Titel der Zeitschrift | online | |
on campus or via VPN | You'll find it at the 2nd floor of the library with the shelve number: | |
Business and Information Systems Engineering | E-Journal | ZS 403 (2015-2019) |
Clean - soil, air, water: a journal of sustainability and environmental safety | E-Journal | |
Energiewende direkt | E-Journal | |
Enorm: Zukunft fängt bei dir an | ZS 701 (2017, 2 - 2021,1) | |
EW: Magazin für die Energie-Wirtschaft | ZS 108 | |
Greenfacts: Das Magazin für die Energiewende! | Zs 226a (2012-2014) | |
ReSource: Abfall, Rohstoff, Energie: Zeitschrift für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften | Zs 215 (2009-2020) | |
Solarbrief | E-Journal | |
Sonne Wind & Wärme | E-Journal (-2018) | |
Sustainability | E-Journal | |
Transition: Das Energiewendemagazin der dena | E-Journal | |
List of all electronic journals available to students of our University. Search for instance with the terms "sustainability" or "engineering" | Link | |
For searching articles, please use the databases. |